Video Game Gospel

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How Can you Be Saved?


You are being saved from the penalty of your sins and the wrath of God to come for your sin.

  1. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 3:23, Romans 3:10

  2. Our sins, such as the ones listed in the 10 Commandments, like lying, stealing, blaspheming God's name, fornicating, committing adultery, even dishonouring our parents earns us eternity in Hell. Exodus 20:1-17, Mark 9:43, James 2:10

  3. Our sins earn us death as wages, and after we die we will face a judgment for these sins. Romans 6:23, Hebrews 9:27


There is good news and a way out from you having to pay the debt of sin you have racked up.

  1. We have sinned against God and we can offer God nothing back for our sins. Mark 8:37, Isaiah 64:6

  2. Jesus Christ paid the debt that we owe for our sins, through living a perfect sinless life, dying on the cross, and being resurrected on the 3rd day. 1 Corinthians 15:3-6

Jesus lived a perfect sinless life that fulfilled the prophecies given by God through the prophets of old, proving He was the promised saviour to come. He made the payment for our sins. God poured out His wrath, that we deserve, upon Christ. This was done for all those who would believe in Him. Jesus, who is God, became what the Bible calls the propitiation for our sins. Our debts caused by our sins are paid through Christ’s sacrifice if we believe on Christ. We do this by repenting, which is to turn toward God, and in turn away from our sins, and trusting in Jesus. 1 John 2:2, Revelation 14:10, Mark 1:15, John 3:16, Romans 10:9


Jesus Christ gave up his life on the cross to offer you this free gift of eternal life free from works!

  1. HUMILITY: It’s crucial you come to God with a truly contrite heart, which means a heart that fully understands that you are a wicked sinner, and that you deserve Hell. You must acknowledge that you are not a “good person”, but that you have earned your wages which you can not pay for yourself. You have nothing to offer God to appease His wrath. Psalm 34:18

  2. REPENT: You repent, which means you have a change of mind towards God. By turning towards God, you are also turning away from sin. You recognize your sinfulness and choose to believe in Christ, to love Him and follow Him by faith. Mark 1:15

  3. TRUST: You put ALL of your TRUST in Jesus Christ, His life, His completed work, His death, and His resurrection, as the means by which you are saved. You are not saved through any process of your own work, but by simply believing with faith on Jesus Christ . If you confess your sins unto Christ, God who cannot lie has promised in his word to cleanse you of them. Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 1:2, 1 John 1:9

  4. NO WORKS: Simply trust in Christ alone, turning from sin towards Him, and you have Eternal life. You do not “earn” eternal life through a work of “turning from sin”, or saying a prayer, or “asking Jesus into your heart”. By the true condition of your hearts desire when you have made a choice to believe, to have faith and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, then, in that very moment are you saved. There is no work you can do by which you can earn your salvation. Mark 1:15, John 11:25-16

watch this: the gospel in 60 seconds

Have you made a decision to Repent and Believe in Jesus Christ today?

Now that you have received the gospel you MUST choose.

God is going to hold you accountable for every sin you have ever done, and for hearing and rejecting His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ… Don’t delay your salvation, you have an appointment with death and the judgment day to follow. Take this deadly seriously.

Where will you spend your eternity?

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life! Repent and believe!

John 14:6, Mark 1:15

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