Video Game Gospel

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Can You Do Online Church?

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The era is the 1500s to the 1800s, and all the great theological debates of the past have been rigorously fought and won. For the first time in History since not so long after the Apostles, the True Church of Christ has come into its own, being thoroughly separated from the Catholic “church”. Finally the church is lifted out of the persecuting hands of the Apostate Catholics thoroughly and a time of reformation is fully under sway.

During this time great many things were vigorously debated amongst scholars and theologians alike, and again evermore so when the industrial boom happened around 1830-1850. New challenges to the Christian Faith were brought to the church in a way not experienced in the past. Many great men during these times rose up to hold fast and true to the Bible, against those who would otherwise compromise the prescriptive, and descriptive elements of God's word.

These men and women of God were opposed by men who with their meandering, wandering, and lustful hearts, appeased the wishes of those, who would much rather conform to the changes of society then to adhere to biblical doctrine.

The Battle Wages On Still!

In similar fashion this battle for truth happened with the onset of the technological age starting around 1990 and is still ongoing to this day, as I fully suspect it will continue to take place until Christ comes for his bride.

To the learned reader, It is evident that during our lifetime alone, a great many more things have been debated, and battles of a theological nature have been fought and won by a great number of godly men. Which brings us squarely to the present in which the technological age has led us to the meta and virtual age, with AI and augmented reality.

Soon technology like Elon Musk's Neural-Link will have people connected brain to brain in some creepy dystopian nightmare only imagined in books and portrayed in television and movies. It is surreal to admit these things we have seen in fiction as dystopian nightmares, are now a reality in the present. These things are not going away any time soon and if anything they are accelerating towards the church at a speed churches are not prepared for.

Many Christians are not aware of the very dangers our generation faces due to the rise in life like technology. The likes of which seem too sci-fi and dystopian to be true but are happening in our very midst, or should I say in our virtual midst.

The Importance Of Staying Awake

It is abundantly important that the church at large takes a second to realize that we face a dilemma. A dilemma we cannot ignore, and that is one of either conforming to the digital age with its practices and norms, or finding a way to bridge the gap between that digital front and the people behind it, to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

If we do not count our steps, and measure our efforts carefully with solid biblical adherence, then we can easily be found in rank heresy and delusion, rather then redeeming what is simply a tool to reach the lost for Jesus Christ.

The Folly Of New Is Bad

Many have considered all technology to be evil in the past, yet God has redeemed these very things in every generation for his will. I'm sure the advent of the printing press scared a lot of people, as it would be used to propagate untruths like wildfire, and they were right, it certainly was used for just that in many books and publications containing untruths. But what these well meaning faithful Christians did not account for in their love of the old versus the new, is that the same technology used for evil can and was redeemed by God for good.

In that same way we must approach the advent of these new technologies on the horizon knowing that they too can be redeemed for Christ. However, we must do so by not adopting them as the new means of carrying out our godly duties given to us in the Bible, but instead to supplement them and help expand our abilities to reach people with biblical truths and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Own Experience

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As a digital ministry, we know first hand the very real dangers of these new technologies like VR and Augmented Reality. Technologies which are being used by depraved and deluded individuals of all ages for unimaginable evils at this very moment.

Yet we know, and have experienced directly through our video on the right which has reached over 1.7 million people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our many many sessions of evangelism in VRChat that this same technology that’s used for evil, is being redeemed by God for good (Genesis 50:20) to reach millions for Christ!

So as a digital ministry whose express purpose of existence is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the 3.3 Billion gamers worldwide and to edify the Church at large, we are in fact one of the only ministries uniquely equipped to handle these topics with the correct knowledge and temperance, that otherwise might not be present in a more traditional ministry.

So it is in that frame we present our work on this topic, coming against the likes of Cornerstone VR, God Squad, and other smaller single man operations like First Baptist Church of VR, of which there are a dime a dozen of false teachers in these virtual spaces just like these names.

Finally we will add here that we have had direct communications with almost all of these organizations listed above as well as others we have not listed, and as a godly group of 3 men, we have done the work we have been expressly called to do which is to converse, exhort and rebuke those who are in heresy and sin as professing Christians operating a professing Christian organization. We do not do so in hate, or upon a whim, or in anything resembling a witch hunt, but rather by the divine decree of God who tasks us unaware with the occasion to do so, backed by the ability and burden to rebuke others in love and gentleness in as much can be allowed for such things. In most cases we are either brought to these people by another person, or they are brought to us by God to rebuke.

We strongly believe that these things shall be a witness against those people who choose to reject Gods word, and continue in heresy so with that, we have written a paper that extensively rebukes another paper written by a false teacher named Jason Poling, the head Pastor at Cornerstone Church Yuba City who is responsible for VR Communion, VR Baptism, and VR Church which are directly against the Bibles prescriptive and descriptive commands.

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GodSquad Online Church

There are now quite a few organizations that have a heavy and influential presence online in the virtual space. Some which are trying to offer a form of Church through streams on Twitch such as God Squad Church:

As you can see from the above screenshot taken the day of writing this article (04.15.2023. - 04.16.2023.) the focus of these types of online Churches is often solely on the creators where they host “church” online by sitting in their houses or otherwise singing and doing praise and worship online. They do baptisms via streaming on twitch and everything else you can imagine happening in the local church where it should stay.

While this may seem fine to some people, any Christians reading this who knows their word and is led by the Holy Spirit will immediately see something wrong with this picture, both metaphorically and literally. You may not be able to tell exactly what it is that’s wrong with it, but something in you should be crying out against this. If it is not it is a cause for concern for you in either growth, or in your actual salvation and here is why:

Not only is it heretical and against commands such as us gathering together in one place and not forsaking it as the manner is of some (Hebrews 10:25) but it goes against every prescriptive and descriptive command/demonstration in the Bible from beginning to end. And this is without even addressing the horrible theology they teach and display, including the enablement of sin by their encouraging of others to participate in these practices. For a more thorough explanation of why certain elements of this are sin, please read to the end where you can gain access to the paper written by us that covers many of these things in greater detail.

Cornerstone Church Yuba City - Jason Poling & Stewart Freeman

Some organizations such as Cornerstone VR Church are trying to replicate all elements of a Biblical church online through video games using VR. In fact, one of the reasons this article was written was due to our correspondence with one of the main proponents in this field, a man named Jason Poling who is the Senior/Lead Pastor at Cornerstone Church in Yuba City CA, who asked us to rebuke him and his paper on what he is doing:

Jason Requests us to Rebuke Him If Capable

Jason’s Behavior Under Question

As you will soon see from both the above and below screenshots from Jason, whether he consciously intends it so or not, Jason is actively pretending to be open and willing to receive rebuke in one hand, but already preparing his attack/defense in the other hand. We see this often coming from those who are on the extreme left, who espouse all the niceties of humility and openness in one hand, but are really just a guise for their dismissive behavior underneath. These types of people have already prepared a reason for their cognitive dissonance towards differing information such as the cognitive dissonance expressed in people who see Trump say or do anything, and instantly had a visceral reaction that can be summed up as “Orange Man Bad!”. This comes from a psychological phenomena known as cognitive dissonance and mass formation. In Jason’s case, it is either willful pride and arrogance to reject things based of faulty premises, or it is just pure cognitive dissonance, which in either case is not fitting for a Leader.

A Leader Is Called To Be Greater (James 3:1)

A Leader must be willing to be rebuked in all things and submit to the Bible, not prepare a reason to reject all theology because you reject a person on a faulty and untrue premise, which from the below screenshots you will see he accused us of espousing modalism. I am reminded of Baalams Donkey, would anyone of us think its wise to reject the Word of the Lord in Truth simply because it comes from an animal that eats hay and heehaws? Of course not… If God spoke through even a burning bush, it is not the bush we look to for whether or not the things God said is true, but the creator and sustainer of both the fire and the bush on which it burns. Same is true of any rebuke, do not attack the person. Assess the ideas and truths being brought forth from the Bible. Jason does not do this, because in all reality it is his only way of being able to trick his God given conscience into believing what he knows is a lie. This is willful sin and cognitive dissonance wrapped in a gnarled bow which should not be so amongst us brethren in Christ.

What Jason does as you will see In a crude but accurate example, is exactly like what happens when explaining to an Atheist that what they believe in, is a delusion. Since they believe that everything was created by nothing, which is ridiculous, yet they still believe and turn to you and say “well show me in Ketchup how that’s true!” That’s not only illogical since we know everything comes from something, but its also an appeal to irrelevance. Why do you need it shown to you in a specific manner when another manner is just as logically if not more logically sufficient to prove the point in question?

The Main Issue At Hand

The problem here with Jason is In one hand he holds a rope with a smile and an offer of friendship to climb out of the water and in the other he holds the dagger to which he intends to use against you should you actually grab the rope. There is no genuine humility, there is only “Yea I am ready to hear this rebuke, only if I like you, and approve of you, and you do it the way I want you to, and make me feel “loved” along the way.” These things are irrelevant to truth and are ever presently his attitude as is evident in the messages we have received from both him and his staff. The aspect of framing the debate is evident in his message to us where he said:

“I find that most critics have simply offered philosophical or merely traditional concerns regarding digital ordinances and the notion of "church" in the Metaverse. I have yet to see solid, biblical refutation. Usually, responses involve proof-texting, word study abuses (like that with baptizo), and theologies laden with denominational presuppositions that cannot be rightly substantiated by the Word of God. I really would like to see a theological approach that takes context seriously, both exegetical and redemptive-historical.”

In this he is sort of begging the question, or framing the debate to only function within parameters he has set, which we abided in a loving attempt to win our brother over by providing him exactly what he asked for. He asked for proof in ketchup, and we provided just that in entire 44 page rebuke provided to him.

Ideologues and Their Folly

It is often the dreaded Ideologues of this world that do this when they insist that you provide evidence only within their frame of acceptance and when you do they reject it still despite it being exactly what they asked for. These type of people are “Not on a Truth quest, but a happiness quest…” to quote Frank Turek, and people like this have no business being in leadership.

Jason all throughout our communications practices text book Tu quoque which is of course a type of ad hominem which can be summed up courtesy of Wikipedia as the following:

  • Person A claims that statement X is true and provides evidence to that fact.

  • Person B asserts that A's actions or past claims are inconsistent with the truth of claim X.

  • Therefore, X is false.

Jason did exactly this when he sent me directly this correspondence in a DM:

On The Rebuke Jason Requested

More on his claims of us being modalists below, for now lets continue to address the paper we sent him and his behavior surrounding it. We took 2 long weeks to write out a 44 page document which was rewritten 3 times and examined thoroughly by us over 4 times to ensure it was as loving and truthful as possible. You can access this paper at the bottom of this page should you wish to read both Jason Poling’s Theory on Meta Verse Churches and our Rebuke of his heretical theology.

We took the long two weeks of labor in love, in attempt to love Jason and all those in his care he has spiritually abused by leading them into heresy, our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. We did so, that it would be either a witness against them (Joshua 24:27) should they not repent, or otherwise a blessing to them which do repent and return unto the Lord.

However before we could even write the paper, Jason left our Discord server, claiming it was for the benefit of all parties? I’m not sure how cutting off communication with a group you have asked to review your paper is at all consistent with his outward pseudo claims of humility and willingness to receive rebuke, but alright:

When we actually sent Jason the paper he requested, he acted in an extremely unbecoming manner as a Senior Lead Pastor, where he claimed we were hateful and arrogant. He called it hilarious and sad, and lacked any wisdom due to its abundant hubris, again this is a classic example of an Ad Hominin Tu quoque attack:

We gave Jason a total of 74 Days to respond to our paper, after promising he was gonna read it. It is evident he lied to us, and provided excuses as to why he would not read our paper. We are making this blog as an attempt to warn people of his behavior and to expose it before the church not only what he is teaching but also how he has acted, which will hopeful bring a repentful shame upon Jason and his deacons the likes of which we also had the mis-fortune of dealing with as covered below. Here is the screenshot proof of when we sent this to Jason with no follow through of reading our paper since the date of it being sent.

Stewart Freeman Discourse

This is not the first unpleasant interaction we have received from their “ministry” as we met with another leader there, a man named Stewart Freeman who proceeded to argue with us publicly in our Ministry Discord and was adamant about talking to us by calling me directly without setting up a time, some screenshots are captured here but do not show everything:

We of course although busy working on ministry tasks, made time to meet with him at a quite inconvenient time for Brother Simon in Denmark at approx. 9pm his time.

We record every public interaction or meeting with people in our ministry for internal use and for these exact reasons which are again not to publicly shame these individuals or show how much they have failed to be perfect, as the reality is all of us could be under this same condemnation. But rather the purpose of all this is to point out flaws in their ministry and attitudes that are not being addressed internally and have bled out into the open where they need to be shown to the Church at large so due pressure can be applied to win our brothers in Christ.

We love both Jason and Stewart, and in that love we present all these images for the express purpose of repentance unto Christ in which we in turn are happy and willing to truly receive rebuke. Something Stewart promised to do for us but never provided unfortunately as you will hear in this audio provided below.

Here is that live audio recording of our conversation with Stewart. Part of it has been edited for time, and commentary has been added.

Stewart Freeman’s Conversation With Us

We preface that this again, is not to bash or shame these individuals, but instead to warn them, and call them to repent. We spent a total of about 4 months attempting to deal with them in private which includes our rebuke, correspondence, and this article itself. We have given plenty of time to both their church and their pastor to repent but alas they have not. So we have one last outlet biblically as per Matthew 18:15-18, and that is to tell it to the Church.

In this context the Church would be the Big C Church, which is all of us. This audio is sixty mins long, and is quite the listen. In it you will hear both sides get audibly frustrated. In the end, Stewart was unable to accept the truth of Gods word, and despite promising to offer rebuke to us, it never came. This is exactly the same attitude expressed by Jason who asked for a rebuke, was provided one, and then refused to listen to it or otherwise respond. It is clear this is a ministry wide flaw they need to address as its present in Stewart and in Jason his leader. For your listening perusal.:

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Conversation with Stewart Freeman Cornerstone VR Church Video Game Gospel Ministry

More On Conerstone VR Meta Church Discord and VR Ministry

As mentioned, Jason directly asked us for a rebuke on his paper he wrote entitled “Metaverse Theology’. We agreed to do so in love after publicly disagreeing with his stances, and then got to work reviewing his paper and theology.

We can confidently say we were led by the Lord to write an extensive paper rebuking Jason’s “Metaverse Theology’. Understanding what Jason actually believes and does, is important to grasping why this rebuke was so sorely needed.

Jason and his numerous staff at his church hold weekly church services online through Virtual Reality. They hold sermons and teachings and even go to the length of attempting to practice the Holy sacraments like communion and baptism online.

For most Christians, this last part should rub you the wrong way, as it did indeed us and so we decided to dedicate ourselves to completing this paper which ended up being about 45 pages and about 24,000 words. Which I speak for us both (Steven and myself Chris) took on a life of its own as we labored over the manuscript.

In our paper/rebuke we cover the many heresies Jason espouses where he attempts to justify the ability to do Church online through VR. It is important to note Jason Poling and his church are not the only ones doing this, but rather Cornerstone VR is one the more prominent and well known organizations who are featured in the media such as the local news, and being featured on a number of Christian Podcasts. Who unfortunately, have been more than excited to promote the heretical practices of that ministry.

We won’t go into great detail of every single point in Jason Poling’s paper here, as the work to that has already been accomplished and is available at the bottom of this article. We will in fact go over the peaks of our argument so you can have an idea of what's being practiced and taught and what the biblical response is for each new heresy we are facing today. If you want more information on the specifics, we encourage you to take the time to read both Jason Poling’s ‘Theology of the Metaverse’, and our direct rebuke to his paper. You can find the link to both below.

Modalism Accusation By Jason Poling

We figured we would mention something that we have been accused of by Jason in the past so that we can get ahead of that accusation to quell it. Both in the case of Jason and his church reading this, and in the case of you hearing this about us.

The accusation coming from Jason is that we were once modalists, and more specifically myself Chris was, and we should not therefore have the right to teach, because we espoused modalism.

I want to make it abundantly clear, there was never a time in any of our Christian pasts that we believed or espoused modalism. We have not taught it, nor have we brushed against it with familiarity or with a sense of acceptance. We always have understood God to be 1 being of 3 distinct but coequal persons. We have taught this from the very beginning of our ministry.

However it must be said that Jason has outright accused us of it as you can see here:

As well as in this larger screenshot from before where he elucidates that we were once modalists and heretics and as a result our paper should not be attend to, read, or taken seriously:

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This is of course categorically untrue that we have espoused or believed in Modalism at any point in the past.

He then began to share screenshots of this so called espousing modalism.

Which if you would like to see what we teach on the Trinity, you can do so by reading our blog here called “The Doctrine Of The Trinity” where we map out and explain thoroughly what we believe about God.

To the right you have our article on the trinity should you wish to be informed upon what we actually teach as it relates to modalism and the Trinity.

The screenshots where apparently I myself espouse “Old-School Modalism” are below:

Clarifying What Happened

When reaching out to Jason Poling originally, we though he would be qualified and able to answer this simple question as to why modern Christianity uses this word “Persons” to describe the Trinity. In our search prior to this we could not find why that particular word was used to individually describe the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In our opinion Jason failed to comprehend what we were saying, and instead began to teach us Trinitarianism which is what we already believed in. What he could have provided and what we were looking for specifically, was any verse that used the word “Person” to describe God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit as a “Person”.

Upon our own further Study and by the miracle of The Holy Spirit leading us into all Truth (John 16:13) we found that the word was used in Hebrews 1:3 and 2 Corinthians 2:10 which answered our question completely.

Prior to this we scoured the internet for some resource on why the word “Person” was used, but only found videos describing the Trinity as Jason attempted to teach us as well. It was as though no one had taken this doctrine seriously enough to make sure even the words we use, are biblical and true. At least from the onset it seems many have failed to explain this overtly. It is our guess, Jason does not even know why the word Person is used, otherwise he would of been able to explain it to us easily.

In any case, we did not believe or espouse Modalism, we simply wanted to know why we as a the Body of Christ, use the word Person, when OT descriptions where much more vague on the use of the word Person, and until finding those verses, by the direct leading of the Holy Spirit, we were trying to fully comprehend each aspect of the Doctrines we believed.

We have always believed The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit are 1 being, who are represented to us in 3 distinct but coequal in all things persons or representations as the original Greek word hypostasis implies, being they are God. We also want to add that we do not believe in Tritheism either, where God is a God of 3 Gods in one. There is one Monotheistic God, who is represented to our cognition as three persons/representations/hypostasis. This was and always will be what we believe.

Jason failed to comprehend what we were asking, failed to clarify further, and as a result held false beliefs about us that carried into every other interaction we had with him. This also extended to the behaviors of his staff in the case of Stewart Freeman that you heard above where i have been overtly accused of hating a man named Daniel, whom i loved dearly. To the point of loosing him to heresy and delusion caused me to audibly weep for a much longer time then one might think. I loved Daniel greatly, and it was the express reason I gave my time and effort to help him grow in Christ. Daniel broke all of our hearts with his pride. This is besides the point, but must be said. We loved Daniel greatly, and in no way, despite accusations of being hateful, did we express or otherwise hate him or anyone mentioned in this article.

To cornerstone, hate is defined by not sugar coating everything you say, and being careful to no offend anyone. Their definition of love is the Bibles definition of Hate, and vice versa. A Father telling his son not to touch the barb wire with a harsh rebuke, is love, it is not hate. (Proverbs 27:6) Truly are the kisses of Cornerstones Staff deceitful indeed who have taken many a captive into heresy (Romans 16:17-18).

This is a further indication that Jason and his team need to do some serious assessments of their behaviors and repent in those things which they are in error, which is our deepest prayer for these men, and that ministry as a whole.

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What Metaverse Church are Practicing

First we should probably explain what a metaverse church is, and what we mean by that phrase, as we have to make a distinction.

A metaverse church or an online church is an organization who practices the normal church activities solely online or in conjunction with physical services. To be clear this is not those churches who stream their church services live on facebook, twitch, or youtube but instead those who seek to wholly replace the local church online through streams or VR.

An example of this is the aforementioned Jason Polings Metaverse Church, and organizations on Twitch such as Godsquad. Now if these were small and uninfluential bodies, there may not be a need for mentioning them or even addressing their mishaps and heresies.

However with the attendance growing into the many thousands across both these two organizations and the other smaller ones, the threat of a great heretical movement is now underway. In short, a metaverse or online church is attempting to replace the local church with no quarter.

Often these organizations adopt other heretical new age church practices and forms, we so often and unfortunately see today. Such as performing sacraments and baptisms online and pretty much any other form of Christian church.

In other words, technology is being used by those who serve their bellies and not the Lord Jesus Christ, all in the name of Jesus Christ (Romans 16:17-18) and our organization is vastly in the minority of those adhering to the Bible's established ways in these areas.

To our knowledge we amongst some of the the only ones holding fast to the teachings and doctrines of God’s word, while resisting the onslaught of churches and organizations perverting God's word for their own benefit specifically in the online space. This is not to say we are special, but rather that this reveals how little the outside Church is aware of what's happening virtually before their eyes.

The church at large is unaware of what is occurring in significant numbers all behind screens connecting people all across the world. We are here to present that to you, so you can be informed and help in this day's battle for truth!

The Main Stances of Metachurches

Gathered here are the main practices and stances of meta churches online and what they attempt to do. To be clear this is not what we believe or stand by as you will see in the next section. This is simply a list of heretical practices.

  • Online church services with virtual corporate praise and worship.

  • Online sermons to individuals present online in VR or watching a stream.

  • Attempting to do communion online with people virtually with or without bread and wine/juice.

  • Performing virtual baptisms online with or without real water.

  • Encouraging people to not take part in local church by serving or attending online instead by mere enablement (1 Corinthians 8,9,10)

  • Discipling people online where anonymity and the ability to hide are incredibly easy.

  • Encouraging acceptance of this perverse generation by adopting culture rather than conforming biblically.

  • Sometimes encouraging female leadership in areas the bible expressly forbids.

Our Simplified Rebuke To Metaverse Churches

In our paper below covering this issue we deal with these points in a more deep and profound way, but as a summary to our Biblical positions here is what we believe.

  • We believe the Lord God has designed church to be local, with physical praise and worship as a cornerstone of true biblical worship.

  • We believe God designed the physical and came in the flesh for a reason, which is the same reason God created the heavens in the earth as real physical things, which he shall renew again in the new heavens and the new earth.

  • God has shown us all things are resolved in the flesh, from the eating of the fruit in the garden, to Noah and the flood purging all flesh, to the events of Moses and Pharaoh, all the way to the events of the New testament and Jesus’ physical body dying in our stead and being physically risen again to our heavenly glorified bodies in the new heavens and earth which are made of the physical.

  • We believe in the descriptive and prescriptive nature of the Bible and it’s sufficient, and Holy manner of existing to give us all we need to know for life and godliness.

  • We believe that the sacraments and church have and always will be in the flesh gathered among other believers for the purpose of glorifying God.

  • We believe that practicing communion outside of the prescribed manner is to break the Corinthians communion warning, and to bring death and disease upon oneself as it is doing so without reverence, or honor to Jesus Christ who instructed us in the flesh how to attend the sacraments.

  • We believe that every single instance of baptisms was given with people gathered in the flesh with a body of water, such as the case with Philip and the Eunuch who could not be baptized until he met water in Acts 8:36.

  • We believe God’s own demonstration and explanation of how to perform the sacraments as He commanded are sufficient. That our obedience to conducting these should reflect how He Himself did them, and how every example He included in His perfect word exemplifies how they should be done, which is further backed by how the Church has historically practiced them.

  • We believe that God is sovereign and knew the day would come when technology would mimic real life, and that he would have given us command to abandon His word and way in favor of ease and technology.

  • We believe these technologies can be used for service to God in every way that is not in direct opposition to His word. Or in other words, those things it allows are regulated to any type of medium such as this very paper and the knowledge it contains.

  • We believe God is the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending, and His word is sufficient in its prescriptive and descriptive nature and to operate outside of it is pure heresy.

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Below is a link to Jason Paper that you can read for clarification if you so choose. Our paper includes quotes and responses to his statements, which are only showing a fragment of all he said. We suggest reading both if you wish to have a full picture. If you wish to simply see his points refuted you can skip this section to the one below and see our response paper.

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Below is our paper we labored over in love urging Cornerstone to repent and turn from their heresy. This has been made public and available to all as an attempt to edify the Church and bring glory to God!

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In closing we want to remind you to pray for Jason and Stewart and the rest of the Team at Cornerstone VR as well as for us. In all things God will have the Glory, His will, will be done and we pray for just that and we hope you will join with us.

We also hope this helped to edify you and bring you closer to Gods word and the truths within it that you may be able to defend against such things in your personal life. Surely as time goes on, with the rise of AI and the decline or morals and the great apostasy underway, we will see this and worse come upon the Church. Stand strong in the faith, stand strong in the Doctrines you have learnt as it says in Romans 16:17 and fight that good fight!

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Thank you for your support

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