life test
What is the Most Important Question of Life?
What We Can Get Out Of it?
Who We Chose To Marry?
what career we choose?
How We Spend Our Time?
What about
Whether or not you are a good person?
You are a Good Person right?
You do nice to others, pay your taxes and help where you can right? Treat people with kindness an all that right? So you should be fine come judgement day right? Should we find out?
The Bible says in Exodus 2:16 that lying is a sin against God! If we have lied once, by definition we are a liar.
The Bible says in Exodus 20:15 that stealing is a sin against God, even if we only stole something small just once, it still makes us a thief.
God made it clear in Exodus 20:7 that He will not hold anyone guiltless who uses is name in vain such as saying “omg” or “JC” to express anger or disgust. God gave us our lives, and the mother who gave us life, yet we blaspheme his name and use it as a filth word because we are enemies of God like says in James 4:4. This is blasphemy, and if you have done it once you are a blasphemer too!
Jesus says in Matthew 5:28 that if we look upon someone with Lust we have committed Adultery with them already in our hearts. Viewing pornography is a form of Lust, which makes those who have watched it, or anyone else who has Lusted otherwise, Adulterers!
The bible says in 1 John 3:15 that if you hate your brother you are a murderer in your heart! We have all likely hated someone making all of us murderers by God’s Standard!
So, How Did You Do?
If you took this test, you would of found out your are not a good person at all, like the rest of us.
We are all sinners in God’s eyes, who is perfectly moral, righteous, and just.
He is the judge of us all, and will judge us in our sins, and send us to jail without parole in His prison called Hell. Just like a judge in a modern courtroom who saw the footage of you robbing a bank and shooting the guard. You are caught in your sins and cannot escape the punishment due for them.
But maybe if you do enough good you will get out of this right?
There is nothing you can do to get out this predicament alone, you need one thing, and that is the mercy of the Judge.
Find out how you can escape eternal judgement now!
Millions have heard this but few have understood it.
2000 years ago God came down to earth in the flesh as Jesus Christ, and suffered and died for our sins. You probably know that, but what you don’t know is how it works, and if you can get a grip of this it will change your life forever.
You broke God’s moral law. Jesus Christ paid the fine. He did this by living a perfect sinless life, and then going to the cross to die for your sins. His death on the cross acts as the payment for your sins so instead of you dying and going to Hell for what the Bible calls wages in Romans 6:23, Jesus Christ died in your place instead. Three days later he rose again and defeated death and proved he was God by having power over life and death. His work on earth, death on the cross, rising again after 3 days, acts as the full payment of your sins you have committed that earns you an eternal place in Hell.
Jesus Lived a perfect sinless life so that his death would become the payment for your sins.
But now What?
What must you do to be saved?
The Bible Makes It Clear…
So clear that anyone can understand
and believe the gospel
Really… That’s it. That’s all you have to do to inherit eternal life.
Mark 1:15
What this means for you
Jesus Christ offers you salvation from the penalty of your sins, that you have stored up in heaven against you in the form of Gods wrath. When you die you will stand before the judgement seat of God, and with nothing to offer a God who is perfect, Holy, Righteous and Just, you will have to pay for your sins for an eternity in Hell where there is nothing, but complete torment and suffering unlike anything here on earth.
Yet God who loves you, and is rich in mercy provides you a way out. You do not deserve God’s love, yet He still loves you (1 John 4:19) and demonstrated that love by dying on the cross (Romans 5:8) for you. He took all the wrath and judgement reserved for you in Hell from all your sins, and gave His life for you on the cross, so that you could choose life instead of death. After 3 days, He defeated death by rising from the grave. His perfect sinless life is the payment for your imperfect sinful life, which He freely gave on the cross for you. His death and resurrection is proof He has power over life and death, and the power to raise you up from the dead.
Christ’s work is completed in Him. No good works you do will ever add to your account in heaven, just like how a criminal that kills 3 people will always be a murderer, no matter how much good that person does. In that same way you are forever locked into the sins you have already committed with no way to pay for them on your own.
You need someone who is great enough to live a perfect life, powerful enough to defeat death, and loving enough to die in your place. Jesus Christ, who is God, is that person who did exactly that 2000 years ago. He died for you so that you may have eternal life with Him in peace, love, and perfection.
Now you have a choice
Will you keep on sinning, living life the way you want and living only for yourself?
or will you this day give your life to christ and repent of your sins?
The Choice Is Yours
Choose Wisely…