The Life Test
So, How Did You Do?
Depending on how you answered the questions, you could be a Liar, a Thief, a Blasphemer, an Adulterer, and a Murderer. Just like the rest of us you are not a good person at all since you have sinned and broken Gods Moral Law.
God is perfectly moral, righteous and just, and will judge us in our sins and sentence us to jail without parole in his prison called Hell. Just like a how a modern judge who saw the footage of you robbing a bank and shooting the guard would sentence you to jail for your crimes.
But maybe if you do enough good you will get out of this right?
There is nothing you can do to get out this predicament alone, you need one thing, and that is the mercy of the Judge.
Find out how you can escape HELL & Eternal judgement now!
Millions have heard this but few have understood it.
2000 years ago God came down to earth in the flesh as Jesus Christ, and suffered and died for our sins. You probably know that, but what you don’t know is how it works, and if you can get a grip of this it will change your life forever.
You broke Gods moral law through your own sin, so Jesus Christ came down to earth to Pay for your sins in His lifes blood. He bled and died on the cross as the payment for your sins, that have earned you what the Bible calls wages in Romans 6:23.
Jesus Lived a perfect sinless life so that his death would become the payment for your sins.
But now What?
What must you do to be saved?
The Bible Makes It Clear…
So clear that anyone can understand
and believe the gospel
Really… That’s it. That’s all you have to do to inherit eternal life.
Mark 1:15
What does it mean to repent though?
How can you be sure you will go to heaven?
Many people struggle to figure out what they must do in order to be saved. They wonder what steps that must take so they can earn their salvation.
But the reality is, you can’t earn your salvation, you cant do enough good, and you can’t perform all the right steps in order to get salvation. You are doomed, which is exactly why you need the mercy of God. This is what God did when he sent Jesus Christ to die for your sins.
You cannot get salvation from performing works, or by trusting in a prayer you made because Salvation is a gift, that you receive by grace, through faith. Which means, God gives you salvation by simply humbly seeking after God, confessing your sins unto him and by placing your trust in him.
Your prayers don’t save you, your works won’t save you, and your living for God can’t save you. The only thing that can save you is the life, death, and resurrection of Christ who spilt his blood for you so that you could be reconciled to God. He offers this gift of salvation completely free and he asks you to repent, which means to have a change of heart, and a change of mind towards your sin, and to depart from iniquity and turn to God which is what you are doing when you place your trust in him and believe in him.
Repentance is not stopping sin to be saved, but it is instead, a turning from sin and our way of life, to God and his way of life. We do not do this to earn our salvation or to keep it, but as a result of both having salvation and seeking salvation. You must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior who died for you on the cross, and you must depart from your sin and iniquity like it says in 2 Timothy 2:19.
So long as you have done this you are saved like it says in Romans 10-9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”