Everything Wrong With Christmas
Have you ever wondered if the cherished traditions surrounding Christmas align with God’s Word? Most Christians celebrate the holiday with joy and sincerity, yet few stop to examine its deeper origins. The truth is, many beloved Christmas customs—from the evergreen tree to Santa Claus—trace back to pagan rituals and occult symbolism. As Christians, we are called to “be separate” and not conform to the patterns of this world (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). But what does this mean in the context of Christmas? If the holiday’s roots are deeply tied to paganism and practices condemned by Scripture, can we, in good conscience, participate in it?
This teaching uncovers the undeniable links between Christmas traditions and their pagan counterparts, challenging believers to re-examine their practices through the lens of Sola Scriptura. Let us seek the truth and stand apart for the glory of God.
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas
Have you ever wondered if Christmas is even Biblical?
Where does Christmas even come from?
Does Christmas originate in pagan traditions?
Is Christmas truly a Christian holiday?
Was Jesus actually born on Christmas day?
We answer those questions and more in this comprehensive teaching on Christmas.
The Reality Of True & False Conversion
It is vitally important to understand this doctrine from the correct biblical lens as some may use this as a means to judge others. When looking into the Biblical doctrine of True and False conversion we need to examine ourselves before the Lord as it says in Philippians 2:12 to workout our OWN salvation with fear and trembling!
“Just Believe” Theology Debunked
Have you fallen prey to this insidious Gospel presentation that says all you need to do to be saved is just believe? Are you perchance a Free Grace Activist who is willing to examine the scriptures and be transformed by what they say? Perhaps you are a regular Christian who simply wants to be equipped with proper theology in these last days? If so then this was written for you.
Can You Do Online Church?
Can the church go Digital and do all the the Lord has commanded within the Church as given in the Epistles to us? Or is it heresy to do so by offering church, Baptisms, and Communion online? Find out what the Bible has to say and the real story behind the leaders of these movements!
Should Christians Do Easter Bunny Events?
How should Christians Approach the Topic of Easter Bunnies, Santa, and Halloween? Are these things truly something Christians should be participating in? What does the Bible say?
Dreams & Nightmares Explained Biblically
Have you ever wondered if God communicates in our dreams or why we even dream in the first place? What about nightmares and those extremely unpleasant cold sweats? Come learn about what the Bible says about dreams and nightmares!
Can You Trust Christian Allegories?
Allegories such as The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, Pilgrims Progress, and games such as Kingdom Hearts can come with a danger of associating all things in it with Biblical Truth. Not all things presented offer an accurate depiction of what the Bible plainly says, and there can run a danger to the individual who replaces time meant to be spent in the Bible and in study of God, with allegories that can include unbiblical things.
the Biblical Doctrine Of Tongues, Healing, And Prophecy
Have you ever wondered about The Gift of Tongues? What about Prophecy and Healing? Does God still heal today? And can we still speak in tongues?
The Narcissistic Gospel Message
In simple terms the Narcissist Gospel is a false Gospel that focuses on the person instead of the work of Jesus Christ. In other words a person views Christ’s death and resurrection as the payment for theirs sins while also denying the fundamental other half of the Gospel itself.
How God Has Answered The Atheist Already
Learn how all are without excuse and how creation proves God's existence.
How To Tell If It’s Jesus Or The Antichrist?
In the end times how will be able to tell who is who? Will Christians be deceived into following the AntiChrist instead of Jesus?
Is Church Community A Requirement?
If I'm a Christian, do I need to go to church? Or gather with other believers? Can't I just believe in Jesus Christ and be left alone?
Is Playing Video Games Sinful?
If you commit a sin in a video game, are you really sinning in real life? Could you be sinning while playing video games?
What Version Of The Bible Should You Read?
Have you wondered which Bible translation you should be reading? Considered every single angle? Would you be surprised to find out we know which Bible is the perfect word of God?
Suicide Examined Biblically
Have you ever had suicidal thoughts? Let’s examine them together biblically and see what’s really going on.
How To Deal With Intrusive Thoughts & Anxiety
Ever have those intrusive thoughts? Thoughts of anxiety, depression, and sometimes maybe inappropriate thoughts? Well you are not alone! Here is how you can Biblically overcome those railing thoughts in your mind!