How God Has Answered The Atheist Already
A user in our community asked a question that I'm sure will have some people scratching their heads trying to figure out what it means. No doubt this particular individual did it as a show of force in their ability to string together complex notions and ideas in a compendious sentence. This is of course was done by them, not to prove a point as i am currently doing, but instead to express how articulate they are, and to ward off or otherwise intimidate their would-be opponent into doubting their own positions. However to do so in like manner, for the express purpose to not communicate an idea, but to intimidate, reveals their true defense. Certainly if someone is intelligent and articulate enough to understand what i just wrote, they are certainly able to use less complex words to explain what they mean.
Now this showboating in itself this individual partook in, while effective in the wild against certain predators, was rather ineffective at having his intended effect amongst other intellectuals whether intended or not., as a show of force amongst humans in the verbal arena, or albeit even the physical, never truly elicits the type of reaction the provocateur intends for it to do. It often makes to some degree people fight back and challenge the agressor, or for some, to obey or otherwise fear. No matter the response, a show of verbal or physical force, does not garner any helpful advancement to the people it is directed, unless a helpful idea is understood and expressed through it. In this case the individual writes the following sentence to seemingly make themselves seem more intelligent and thus more intimidating. This again is counterproductive as seeming intelligent does not give credence to any claim a person makes by mere effort of verbal wizardry.
“The superstitious thinking such as religion and theism creates additional thought terminating clichés, aside from necessary axiomatic values. Considering that, since we have alternative secular moral systems, are there any good reason to subscribe to Christian faith? Why would Christianity be better than for example Buddhism?”
Now a much simpler way the asker could of asked his question, would or could be something like this:
“Theism and Christianity create superstitious beliefs, we don't need them cause we have our own morals outside of Christianity and Theism, why then should we believe in Christianity rather than let's say, Buddhism?”
Now regardless of the formation of a question, whether kept simple or left convoluted and overly complex for no good reason, the answer to this question remains the same. Because it is undeniably true, based on evidence alone. Christianity is not a belief, it is reality, backed up by all sciences and evidence. The answer for “Why Christianity?” happens to be the same answer you give to why believe any one thing over the other... Evidence!
Without evidence, why not believe any theory that ever existed for anything at all? Well because the only way you can know what is truth and what is not truth, is by the substantiating evidence for it. In other words, if you cant prove it, don't believe it. Otherwise any theory is just as good as the other no matter how outlandish it may seem. I want to show you something mind boggling God did in his word. Which will utterly blow you away and force you to bow that knee before your creator when you get a grasp of this. It will all tie in shortly to the question our provocateur asked!
The best way to deal with any athiest is the same way God has already done. Don't try to reinvent the wheel, especially not the wheel the Lord has made. Take a look at Romans 1 for greater context where God is speaking to those who are unrighteous and suppress the truth within them in their unrighteousness. Romans 1:20 delivers the final blow as it reads:
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”
Now how is this verse mind boggling? let's break that down, and then after i will teach you how this all ties in.
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen…”
🔹 God is a Spirit, he is invisible to us, and his nature is not based in this world or the things created in this universe, but based in himself outside of all the things we call the universe. God by definition, as the creator, cannot be made out of the same stuff he is making, or at least, he cannot be bound to its creation or laws as he supersedes it. God is spaceless, timeless, and immaterial in the sense that those things were created by him. Before the universe there was no space like we know it, no time like we perceive it, and no material that we test, these were at one point created by God.
🔹 He is the creator of the world/universe, and when you see a painting you know there is a painter, when you see a building you know there was a builder, and when you see a book you know there was an author. When you see creation, you know there is a creator.
“...being understood by the things that are made”
🔹 We understand God's very nature through the things that have been made. We can tell he is spaceless, timeless and immaterial, because our universe is those things, and whatever made it at the Big Bang, could not be bound by what he created. Or in other words, God is beyond space, beyond matter, and beyond time. We see his fingerprint upon all creation and can know who God is simply from nature itself which declares him. Beauty in nature shows us God is beautiful. Preciseness in the mathematical structures of his universe, shows us God's infinite mind and intelligence. The very things that are made declare the nature of God in reflection of him.
“...even his eternal power and Godhead”
🔹 Even the very nature of how he is eternal, and his power is beyond all measurement or understanding, is understood simply from the fact that whatever creates space time and matter and the metaphysics that surround them, is beyond even those things. Amazing!
“So that they are without excuse:”
🔹 The they here, are those people professing themselves to be wise, those atheists and those unrighteous folk. Whereby in context of this chapter it declares God has made himself known to them, by this very thing.
Now this next part should completely blow your mind away with its complexity, and yet simplicity. God proves his word, his deity, and power all in one verse!
Our understanding of who/what God is, is based solely on the Bible alone.
The Attributes of God are declared in the Bible in places like Exodus 3:14 where he declares he is the one who is who always was and is to come when he says ”I AM THAT I AM … I AM hath sent me unto you.” In Revelation 1:8 he is called the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the Ending .
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, (he then finishes his statement by tying in a book written thousand of years before what we we just read and says:) saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come [Exodus 3:14], the Almighty.” PRAISE GOD!Science tells us of the universe, tells us of the big bang, and gives us all the information we need about what our universe is and tells us something had to kick start it all and it cannot of happened on its own by chance or by nothing, as nothing is no thing and does nothing.
God is required for the universe and for life to exist as proven in our evidence pieces in our discord.
The very same God that would be required to create our universe, and create all things, is literally described only in one book. The Bible. No other religious document comes close in any sense ever to describing a God like The Father! You can read every book, and nothing comes close, yet the Bible, from start to finish, with 44 authors, and over 1500 years of being written from cultures wide spread, speaks of the same God with no change in his character or power at any point with no contradictions.
The Bible, in which all true Christianity is based, speaks of a God that science proves must exist and it is the exact match for that which science would demand would be our creator.
Written in this book which declares the God that science says must exist, is Romans 1:20, which tells you that he is found through the things that have been made, and in one statement, ties in his deity, all of creation, and verifies his word as Gods own word. This statement in the Bible, might be the most mind blowing thing in the whole book because it would take God to make all creation, make all life, guide his people, write this down in his book through men, preserve it through time, and have it prove to be in line with science, 1000s of years later and then leave his finger print right in Romans 1:20.
To phrase it another way, because science shows a specific God is a necessity for creation, there must be a God. The God of Christianity versus Muslims, or Hinduism or any other belief, matches what science tells us of what that God would be where the other religions fail to meet the criteria of reality. Only the God of the bible does. Other religions teach there is a man holding the earth, or its riding on a turtle, or that the universe always existed. None of which is remotely true. Yet the bible has taught since before man even understood general relativity, that God is spaceless and timeless and eternal. EXACTLY the God required for the creation of the universe.
It blows my mind that same God, PROVES himself by the things that have been made, and simultaneously verifies
His word, by giving divine inspiration to the writer of Romans to write these words down. This divine inspiration is given to others in other words at other times, with no difference in what he is saying and it’s absolutely mind boggling to think God planned and made all of that happen.
Think about how vast his mind and intelligence must be? So why Christianity?
““For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:””