Should Christians Do Easter Bunny Events?
Celebrating Easter/Halloween/Santa As Christians
Recently the topic of celebrating various holidays as a stepping stone to attract people into Christianity or the church came up in our ministry. This can look like a local church using Santa, or the Easter Bunny and egg hunts to attract people into their fold with the intention of reaching out to people to give them the Gospel.
As a ministry, when one of our leaders was confronted with this in his own local Church body, we grew deeply concerned with what seems to be an easy willingness to be in friendship with the world against what the Bible commands.
James instructs us in Chapter 4 verse 4 that we are being an enemy of God by being a friend of this world.
“Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”
This brings to mind 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 where we are called to be separate and come out from among them as God instructs us. So of course when seeing this in our own local churches, we grew concerned, knowing that the root of these practices and traditions are in fact seeped in the occult, regardless of the possible joy one might receive from it. People might read this and outright reject the truth due to their fond memories on these days of Easter or Christmas where Santa or the Easter Bunny were celebrated. However if it is true that these pagan holidays, are seeped in the occult, have hidden occult meanings, and are used by the occult to practice their idol worship, then what business does any Christian have taking part in this? Are we not to depart from evil and this world? Do we make mockery of Christ when he told us to take up our cross in Luke 9:23? How does this differ from other sins we have fond memories of in the past? Should we also adopt them too due to their fondness? God forbid brothers and sisters, as one does so to his or her own peril!
In light of the potential danger of this and how it is something that is prevelant in the church, we decided to examine this further from a Biblical worldview that we may obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29) and present a Biblically true and accurate picture of Church and Culture, and the great necessary divide between them both.
We are motivated by deep concern for greater discernment to take place in the Church at large, and to obey God rather than men. We write this teaching out of a love for our well meaning brothers and sisters who have stumbled into what seems to be sin and heresy. Our goal as always is to raise up individuals, and the church at large into an accurate obedience to the prescriptive and descriptive commands of God in His word, knowing that doing anything else is to err from the faith, and to err is to bring about folly (James 5:19-20).
As Paul says in Romans 6, that despite us having grace and liberty as he also discusses in Galatians 5, this does not mean we are to use that grace or liberty as a means to be lazy and sin and likewise lead others into sin (1 Corinthians 8:7).
Brothers and sisters we must be strong in the faith (Ephesians 6:10-12), adhering to the word of God and being steadfast for Christ, in His word, and way. Lastly we know that in our Western Christian Culture the love for exhortation and rebuke (2 Timothy 4:2) has almost died, but the Lord chooses people who labor in His word and sound doctrine (1 Timothy 5:17) to call out things in others for what they are in a spirit of meekness (Galatians 6:1-2) making sure the beam is not in our eye first to see clearly to remove the mote in our brother's eye (Matthew 7:5).
It is vital that when you read this and you happen to be someone who either is in favor of Cultural Celebrations in the Church, or go to a Church that is in favor of these things, that you approach this topic with humility and allow the word of God to shape you and not the other way round (Romans 12:2). We pray this blesses you and helps you be wise and make Biblically accurate choices in regards to this in your individual lives and church organizations.
The Historical Seperation of the Church & World
It is no surprise to any reader of the Bible to learn that the Church is unequivocally set apart from the world (John 17:14-16) by definition. To bring the totality of the dozens of scripture to bear to prove this point would be overwhelming and hopefully unnecessary to the readers comprehension, so instead we shall present two all-encompassing scriptures to bear, which are Isaiah 54:5 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.
The first and most important point here is the very fact that the true Church of God is not a building or a singular local group of people, but all those who belong to Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27) and are in fact His Bride. Which is wonderful as it means we are all subject to God and His word as a whole, and no part can do as they wish against the Bible, lest they be considered no longer part of the body of Christ.
For more scriptures pertaining to us being the Bride of Christ you can study: Ephesians 5:25-27, Revelation 19:7-9, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 21:9, 2 Corinthians 11:2, John 3:29, Matthew 25:1-46, Mark 2:19-20.
The above scriptures list how the Children of God are referred to as the Bride of Christ, but nothing is more clear then Isaiah 54:5 which says:
“For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.”
When we understand that the Church, Biblically speaking, is not just a building or a local gathering of believers but those who are in the Vine and are the branches (John 15:5) and are the bride of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:9) we can then begin to understand the importance of 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 which clearly tells us:
Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers
What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness?
What communion has light with darkness?
What concord hath Christ with Belial?
What part does he that believes have with an infidel?
What agreement has the temple of God with idols? (literally what Easter Bunnies and Santa are)
We are the temple of the living God.
Be separate.
Touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
When studying this scripture, it becomes abundantly clear that we should have nothing to do with these sorts of pagan holidays that the Lord has expressly told us not to involve ourselves with. Not only did he say it here in this passage of scripture, but he has said it all over the Bible, from the Old Testament to the New.
Biblical Call To Be Seperate
We are made a completely and utterly clean thing unto the Lord through the work of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21) who makes us pure. This goes without saying that in each of our individuals lives we wrestle against our flesh and have sin (1 John 1:8), however we as the whole Church, are the pure body of Christ through the work of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). This by command and definition means we are fundamentally and categorically separate and apart from the world. To partake then in the world as being separate is not only foolish and unwise, but sinful.
The issue arises when we think that it is suitable to use any means at all to reach people using the ends to justify the means as thought God only uses that which is pure. It is clear from his word, that what many have meant for evil, even that he uses for good (Story of Joseph/Israel).
A Christian who justifies the means of their goals by the result, not only misses and undermines Gods sovereignty despite their evil, but actively participates knowingly or not, in the drinking from the cup of devils while also attempting to drink of the cup of the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:21-23). this is even made more clear by scripture in reference to participating in this world and the sin it holds.
If a Christian does this, whether as an individual or as a local church, they have erred by making themselves apart from Christ for the lust of the flesh and desire for this world. It is important to remember we can do nothing outside of Christ as John 15:5 says
Apart from Christ we can do no thing, and by adopting things of this world, we are in fact drinking being apart from him and drinking from the cup of devils while also attempting to drink from the cup of the Lord.
Some have reported that their church saw the most growth during those times they incorporated the Easter Bunny or Santa into church and maybe so but at what cost? If someone comes to the Lord by the world and its things, do you seriously believe they will depart from those things when their faith demands? Look at the reaction the reader might be having to this? Perhaps your church participated in seeker friendly things such as celebrating Easter with an Egg Hunt, and now that they have done so, look how great a battle it is for you to depart from it!
Has not your Church leadership then, led you directly to sin against the Lord? What condemnation (James 3:1) rests upon the shoulders of such a leader in Christ is great fire of which his work will be tested (1 Corinthians 3:12-15).
While it might be lawful it is not expedient!
1 Corinthians 10:23 makes it clear that “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.” When the Lord clearly says, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” It leaves no room for us to be in partnership with this world that edify not. James 4:4 reveals the same truth that is presented in the previous verses such as 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.
Brothers and sisters, we must be apart from this world, as the bride of Christ we must be unto God a living sacrifice and be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:1-2). We are not in any way to be a part of this world, including its customs and its culture.
The Most Common Rebuttal
We aren’t participating in pagan rituals or being a part of them, we are actually redeeming it for Christ!
It goes without saying that you cannot say the same about Tarrot Card readings or Ouija Boards can you? So what would lead someone to think that it is any different with the Easter Bunny or Santa?
I will tell you why, and it is because they dont understand the actual occult origins of many of the rituals performed today. But ask yourself this: Is it the awareness of the pagan ritual thats wrong? Or is it the fact God has commanded you to depart from all worldy pagan rituals as it says in Deuteronomy 18:9–14.
“When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God. For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.”
let’s use some healthy Reductio ad absurdum to show the folly of adopting something known to be pagan into our lives as Christians.
Let’s take something “seemingly” benign such as a Church Easter Egg Hunt or a Church led Santa meet and greet, and replace it with something that is obviously and inherently evil, like a church hosting a bar and strip club as a means to share the Gospel with the lost.
It sounds crazy, but stick with me as within this extreme example, it becomes overwhelmingly obvious that it is incredibly inappropriate for a church to host a sinful and worldly event in order to reach lost souls who are only drawn in by the lusts of the flesh. This could be considered a type of bait and switch evangelism combined with the unbiblical method of “friendship” evangelism.
The Bible speaks against fellowship with unbelievers, in addition to not partaking in the things of this world. (2 Corinthians 6:14, Ephesians 5:11) So to do these things in an attempt to deliver the gospel to the lost, or attempt to draw them into the church, is to do so in error and in folly.
So then the question that logically follows, is if we know worldly Easter celebrations which have pagan origins and are rooted in the worship of ungodly things, how then can it be redeemed for Christ?
Can you take tarot card reading and redeem for Christ? Can you read palms for Christ? Can you host a bar and strip club for Christ? The answer is obvious, you cannot. The practice is inherently evil, and as Easter Bunny celebration is related to the occult, it is a prime example to be used alongside tarot card reading, and these things are directly spoken against in the Bible in Deuteronomy 18:9–14.
What If by hosting a bar and strip club you could recruit thousands to Christ Jesus, would you then be redeeming it for Christ? And if so, then why not do such things? Seriously, if it is actually applicable, why dont we use any and all means to get people to Christ, why not use force? If the means does not matter, cannot we not start over the crusades? It may seem unrelated, but it is due to the fact that the message and the means matter. If they do not, then why not have Christian ads on Adult websites for your local church? Why not perform a litany of other absurd but logically consistent situations that are clearly sinful?
The Natural Conclusion
In this world there are benign neutral things that can be redeemed for Christ, such as money, content based social media platforms, and evangelism/teachings in games and much more that have no root in darkness. Then there are things which are inherently evil and originate in evil and sinful occultic demonic practices that cannot be redeemed as they are inherently evil.
There are two categories, things which are not birthed from evil for the purpose of evil, and things that are. Things like fruits, birds, trees, and the whole of creation we made of by God. Where Tarot Cards, Ouija Boards, Pagan Rituals were made by men for the purpose of evil. These are nonredeemable as their ultimate source is sin and evil.
If not so, then where do you logically draw the line when it comes to how far to navigate away from the original occult practices? Can we eventually justify the use or practice of what was born in the demonic if we navigate far enough away? What if those thing we a “Moving Away From” are still being used by the occult?
If tarot cards are evil and we instead make Christian versions that have bible verses but still function like tarot cards does it then suddenly make christian tarot cards okay? Or does making pornography 100% created by AI somehow redeem it, because there is no actual flesh being lusted after? Does Halloween become applicable because you tell yourself you are redeeming it for Christ?
Likewise, is a scavenger hunt of plastic Easter eggs okay because we convince ourselves we have divorced it far away enough from its original occult connections? While the plastic egg shaped shells and candy are not inherently evil by themselves (such as the meat sacrificed unto idols), it’s their connection with the pagan holiday which makes the practices irredeemable for Christ, it becomes leaven which would not be mixed in (Galatians 5:9).
The Church being involved with these events and even hosting them is equivalent to the stronger Christian brother, or leader, demonstrating by action, that it is okay to have one foot in the world, and one in the kingdom which the Bible says is not possible. (James 1:8, 1 Kings 18:21,1 Corinthians 10:21-23)
This very same justification plagues the modern church and allows for all manner of acceptance and evil where Deuteronomy 18:9–14 delivers the Coup de grâce when it comes to replicating, adopting or having any part of evil practices.
This is nothing but compromise with the unfruitful works of darkness which we are not only to be apart from but rather oppose and reprove them (Ephesians 5:11) like we (VGG) are currently doing.
The Bible strictly warns and condemns any Christian to not take part in these things to any degree. The bride of Christ is certainly not one who is redeeming the local brothel by participation in its sin and evil. Even though it may have an outreach program to bring people out of brothels, it would never participate in its evil deeds by hosting a brothel and justifying it by a silver lining of “so-called” results for Christ.
Answer this if you are not convinced: How is a church facilitating any pagan originated holiday/event any different?
The real only difference is how you personally feel about brothels compared to Ishtar/Astarte type gods of fertility and the worship of them through bunnies, and eggs, which is represented by our modern Easter Bunnies Egg Hunts.
Both are rooted in this world, in the occult and satanic ways of this world. How can you logically reconcile this with the Bible's commands to depart from evil and this world? So now I ask you to question why one might think participating in what is truthfully a non-negotiable pagan holiday rooted in occult worship, is something that can be redeemed for Christ when the holidays themselves are not benign and neutral but instead seeped in doctrines of demons and evil?
If church ads on adult websites are an abhorrence to Christians due to porn sites being inherently evil, why then are some churches and individuals so ready to participate in what is truthfully not just a playful bunny or a red dude in a suit, but in all reality a pagan occult practice?
At this point, If you are a truly born again Christian reading this, it should at least give you pause. We implore you Brothers and Sisters in Christ to examine these questions in earnest.
Have we not been called to be separate from evil? (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)
Have we not been told to have no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them? (Ephesians 5:11)
Are we to be conformed to this world or to love the things therein? (1 John 2:15, Romans 12:2)
Be sober brothers and sisters, think clearly and remember the devil takes what opportunity we give him! (1 Peter 5:8)
Rebuttals, Arguments, and Questions
The End Justifies The Means Rebuttal
In our extensive 45 page paper to Jason Poling on his heretical stance on online churches, VR Communion and VR Baptisms (which are not true communion or baptisms), we covered how he used the ends to Justify the means of his heretical practices.
When a church or ministry only looks to the end results (which may include someone's salvation), and uses this alone for justification of their practices, they miss where they are in Biblical error. We see from scripture how God uses all things for good and to accomplish His perfect will, including those things which were meant for evil (Romans 8:28, Genesis 50:20).
Therefore unless we also examine the scriptures and the instructions given therein, we may be in opposition to what is written regardless of our motivations and heart position. We can see examples of this in obvious heretical churches whom God still uses, despite their error. Operating in this manner allows for continued compromise and justification where the results determine the truth instead of the word of God alone. This self justification greases the already slippery slope of a liberal application of the scriptures and Biblical practices. This typically occurs in local church cultures opposed to biblical rebuke and exhortation, which unfortunately is nearly all of them today.
God is sovereign and God is not limited by man, but this does not thereby justify improper theology and practice. He used a donkey, not because donkeys are great scholars and wielders of wisdom and discernment, but because God is sovereign and will use what he wills for good, even poor theology and sin for his glory. This doesn't mean we should continue in error brothers and sisters but rather are to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15.
Brothers and sisters, we cannot allow the results of our efforts determine our doctrines or theology, like the Bereans we must search the scriptures to see what is true (Acts 17:10–15) and I implore you to do the same, that you may search all the scriptures provided in this teaching and examine with a thoughtful, humble, logical approach, whether or not it's true. If it turns out to be true according to the scripture, conform yourself to the scripture and walk as Christ has called you to walk. (Romans 12:2)
Meat Sacrificed Unto Idols Rebuttal
1 Corinthians 8:7-13 might be used as a defense to say that “If you don’t like it, then don’t participate in it while I do, as I don’t want you to stumble.”
However, in complete irony and foolishness 1 Corinthians 8:7-13 is teaching the exact opposite of this. Not only that but its not talking about stumbling in the sense of not liking something, but rather causing others to sin, which is what you are doing when you participate and encourage demonic rituals while pretending they are just “fun events”.
1 Corinthians 8:7-13 works against the very notion presented at first, as a proper biblical understanding of the meat being sacrificed unto idols and causing your brother to stumble, is not “Hey if you don't like it, you’re the weaker brother and should abstain.” It is instead the opposite which is “If i'm the stronger brother, and even if this meat is not inherently sinful, I MUST ABSTAIN BIBLICALLY from that which causes my weaker brothers and sisters to stumble into sin against their weak conscience”. Meat is just meat regardless of how it was cooked, however with a weaker brother we would not want them to associate the meat which is the Lords who gave it to us, with the sacrifices at the pagan temple and cause him to sin. We should do everything in our power not to cause our brothers and sisters to stumble. Shame on the church/person doing so with Santa or Easter events.
By facilitating such things, you are literally causing weaker brothers and sisters to then associate pagan holidays and worldly things with being congruent with Christianity. And thereby literally causing them to stumble into sin. Women in church are expected not to wear revealing clothing, because it causes their brothers to stumble into sin. Now is it fair to allow women to wear anything, and then tell brothers not to attend if they are stumbling into sin? Of course not, not only that, but it is unbiblical. So when we apply the proper understanding of 1 Corinthians 8:7-13 we can see that facilitating pagan holidays in church or as individuals is always a bad choice regardless if for you it may just be “Meat”.
Grace and Liberty in Christ Rebuttal
When researching this Biblical topic and how Christians take differing positions on the subject, the scriptures are either taken more conservatively or applied more liberally. One of the recurring themes that was coming up was the argument of having liberty in Christ and because we are under grace, we have the liberty to exercise that grace how we choose (1 Peter 2:16, Galatians 5:1).
While this seems plausible on its face, we must always first examine the scripture to see if these things are permitted or spoken against directly first. In the case of heathen traditions, pagan worship practices, things of the occult, incorporating worldly worship methods, being part of this world, having friendship with unbelievers, all of these things are spoken against outright in the Bible. If the Bible says not to do something , and you do it, it is being an enemy of God, being in rebellion against God, and living in sin. Please let this not be said about you on judgment day. We can’t simply choose to do whatever we want based on our freedom in Christ under Grace in the things he has expressly condemned. If we do, it is sin, plain as day.
Other Counter Arguments Considered
We believe in Jesus and not any fake idol, so we aren’t worshiping anyone but Jesus.
This is akin to filling your house with idols and having Roman gods plastered about your gardens and then claiming you still love Jesus because you know these are fake gods. Or its like attending multiple Séance’s because you know the demons involved are defeated by Christ. Or even like jumping in a fire because you know you are saved and going to heaven. It is incredibly foolish.
We aren’t worshiping the Easter Bunny as an idol. The eggs don’t mean anything.
The eggs and bunny do mean something, they quite literally have been used from the time of the Romans all the way through the Medieval ages until now to symbolize fertility and sex. They are associated with many ancient gods and idols and are used on that exact day to worship them. It is meant to cover and abolish Christ, yet you perhaps think it means nothing? Wrong, they cannot be divorced from the original practices. The larger question is why do you want to risk causing others to stumble?
There is Liberty in Christ to do as we wish.
As previously covered there is liberty to do works meet for repentance, liberty in many things, such as choosing what color of shirt you wear, but not liberty and grace to do that which the Bible expressly condemns. The Bible tells us not to adopt pagan/false or worldly worship rituals in our worship of God as it is an abomination. We are given Biblical examples and instruction on how to share the gospel.
We are leading people to the church and to ultimately hear the gospel, so it isn’t bad.
As covered before, the end doesn't justify the means. Especially if we go against God’s word when trying to achieve what we think His will is. It is counter to itself and incredibly foolish.
We are trying to do ‘outreach’ in a way to meet the people where they are.
Again, the end doesn't justify the means. As given in our examples, if you were to make tarot cards Christian cards it wouldn't negate their demonic origins. Also if people come to the cross because of the world, they will leave the cross for the world.
It has worked in the past and people were saved though!
The end doesn't justify the means, once again. a Church BBQ or any other Biblically adherent event would be far more fruitful while not causing others to stumble into sin.
It's one of the only evangelism events we do.
There is a humorous old saying that goes “That seems to be a you problem.” and in this case its actually applicable. If this is the only evangelism your church does, not only are you already in rebellion to the word of God which commands you to go out and share the Gospel (Mark 16:15), but it as easy as going out and winning souls. Not to mention this is not the only type of outreach event that could be hosted. There are other options that can be pursued and done in accordance with God's Word.
Easter historically has the highest church attendance.
Ahh, i see so the number of people attending is more important then the message being conveyed? I dare say this is financially motivated as there is not sound logical reasoning otherwise. Attendance does not produce godly living in Christ Jesus. Unwavering declaration of the truth of God and real biblical church does. Saying this is due to worldly Easter bunny/egg events hosted by the church is correlation without proving causation. The Cause is because people love the world more then they love God this indicates church sickness not health.
The Bible doesn’t say not to do Easter, or anything about not celebrating it.
Well, it does in Deuteronomy 18:9-14 so that is just not correct. Also the Bible does not tell you not to drink snake venom, or light your own hair on fire, but it certainly does tell you things which would go against drinking snake venom and lighting your hair on fire. People that say this are being illogical, as the Bible doesn’t tell you what car to drive either does it? It tells you how to be financially responsible, even to the point of selling everything you have and following Christ.
You guys are being too critical and are being a legalistic Pharisee!
Ad Hominem is never really a good argument for anything. It often shows the complete failure of the attacker as they have no place to stand on for their lack of an argument . Also in rebuke, making a God in your own image by your own rules, with a loose and liberal interpretation of the scripture, is the path to heresy and sin. I would much rather be considered by others as legalistic while following Gods word and way, then to fall upon the mighty hands of God in sin (Matthew 10:28). Remember folks, it is the fear of the Lord that we depart from evil (Proverbs 16:6) and that same fear that is the beginning of our wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). If people are without wisdom, they are without fear of God.
We aren’t under the law, we are under grace.
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? (Romans 6:1) All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. (1 Corinthians 10:23)
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
Colossians 2:16 or Romans 14:5
This is a false conflation of categories. One is practicing occult worldly pagan rituals which IS CONDEMNED OF BY GOD, and the other in context, is your choice to practice the Sabbath or not, or the variant things of Judaism. The point of the scripture in context is giving freedom to practice the Holy days of God if one wishes, and not freedom to do whatever you want, especially that which God has already condemned.
Questions We Examined Deeply During Making This Teaching
What does God have to say in His word?
What chapter and verse addresses these issues or similar ones we can draw from?
Is it sinful?
Does it depend on intent and heart position, actual worship of idols or not?
It may be lawful but is it profitable?
Does the 'benefit' outweigh the method?
Do the ends justify the means?
Is this the only way or the best way?
Does the Bible say anything against it directly, or against the methodology?
Is there a Biblical precedent, example, instruction or condemnation?
Are there any other closely aligned Biblical stories or examples?
What was the opinion of the apostles/disciples on similar issues?
Are these practices directly condemned in God's word?
Now that we have covered almost every angle we could, leaving no stone unturned, we want to summarize this teaching for you so you can have a concrete outline of what you learned:
The Church is the bride of Christ and separate by nature from the world.
Christians must be separate, not drinking from the cup of demons and the Lord.
Friendship Evangelism is not Biblical and goes against scripture 1 Corinthians 8.
The ends do not justify the means, and we must conform to scripture.
The Bible directly condemns and speaks against the occult and pagan practices.
We should not cause others to stumble.
Liberty in Christ and being under Grace do not permit us to go against scripture.
We implore you to read through the scriptures provided and meditate upon them and we leave you with Job 28:28 which reads “And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” We pray you do just that and prove your wisdom in the Lord.