The Doctrine Of The Godhead (Trinity)
The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity is one of the foundational doctrines of Christianity.
Getting this right is the difference between being in a cult or not.
Lets explain in simple terms who God is as revealed by his scripture. Answering who God The Father is, or the who the Son is, or who the Holy Spirit without teaching God is three in one is heresy. In other words to not understand who the Holy Spirit is or who Jesus Christ is or Who God the Father is, would be to not understand who God is. They are One being in Three persons. This is challenging for some to understand as we are one being in one person, God is not. He teaches us so about his nature in Isaiah 55:8-9 where he tells us of himself and how we lesser than him completely.
People often use another analogy that although interesting fails to encompass the nature of God. People will say God is like an egg, you have a shell, a yoke, and the egg white, but the problem with this is:
The egg white, yolk, and shell can exist without the other and are separate in nature, which fails to encompass God.
God is beyond the limitations of a simple analogy. There is no real analogy one can use of anything in creation for God is above creation.
Many other analogies such as a three leaf clover fails in the same way. If you remove one of the pedals, you still have a clover and the other two. With God, this is impossible. He is fully one monotheistic being that subsists in three persons.
What can the bible teach us about God?
#1 : There is only one Monotheistic God.
[Deuteronomy 4:35; 39; 6:4] [Isaiah 43:10; 44:6; 45:5-7] [John 17:3] [Romans 3:30] [1 Corinthians 8:4]
That God is the great I AM, who is the only God, and worthy of all praise and worship.
[Exodus 3:14] [Isaiah 45:5]
God is Perfectly Holy and Immutable and is Triune in nature existing in Three persons.
[Genesis 1:26-27] [Isaiah 48:16] [Exodus 3:14] [1 John 5:7] [1 Peter 1:2] [Matthew 28:19] [John 14:26] [John 15:26]
What does the bible say of the Trinity?
God the Father, God The Son, God the Holy Spirit are all God.
God has scattered all throughout scripture mention of his being as Three in One. When he describes himself to the inquisitive Moses asking who he is, God responds famously with “I AM THAT I AM” which when understood through the original Hebrew it translates as “I am He who is” or “I am He who exists” (TWOT Reference: 491) Exodus 3:14 gives us the picture of who God is and the Trinity all in one place.
““And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.””
When examining this verse, we see:
“I AM” is mentioned three times
“I AM” literally translates here to "I Am He Who Exist".
Another way to understand this verse using the understandings of the words “I AM” in context (hāyâ) you could render this verse as: "I AM HE THAT EXIST, THE ONE WHO IS, and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel. HE THAT IS hath sent me unto you"
I AM, I AM, I AM… What we can simply gleam from this is: God, is God, is God.
The Persons of God
God the Father is fully God he is the creator, the sustainer of all.
Jesus Christ is fully God, he is the word made flesh, the promise of God the law fulfilled.
The Holy Spirit is the same Spirit from the Old testament that is Fully God, and is our intercessor here on earth and dwells within us.
God consists of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost.
Each Person [Hebrew 1:3] is co-equal in Authority, Power and Glory, and is Co-Eternal and Immutable in being, co-identical in nature, all Three persons exist from everlasting, from all eternity. Each person is God who is One in Three persons and lacks nothing either from or apart from another. God is Holy and Perfect in all of His attributes without blemish. God the Father is fully God, Jesus Christ is fully God, The Holy Ghost is fully God, and not one exists without the other nor can one be separated from one another as they are one.
God is the great I AM, Three in One. Each person of God has a specific subsistence
God the Father is God, The Holy Spirit is God, Jesus Christ is God, who was being obedient to the flesh unto death, who is the propitiation of our sins. [Philippians 2:8] [2 Corinthians 5:21] [1 John 2:2]